Presentations from the Tampere Colloquium 2007
Ahtola, A: School psychology in Finland – Perceptions of school staff.
Alatupa, S: Students will learn with their whole personality.
Al-Harbi, N: Stress amongst male teachers in state schools in Saudi Arabia.
Annan, J., Bowler, J., Mentis, M., & Phillipson, R: Capturing diverse views to intervene effectively.
Antonopoulou, K., Koutroumpa, K., Zenakou, E., & Tsitsas, G: Teacher’ attitudes to family-school involvement.
Arlauskaite, Z., Sigfrids, A., Gajdosova, E., Herenyiova G., & Duffell, J: Teaching peace in many languages – International collaboration to advance social and emotional learning.
Armistead, L: Meeting the needs of an inner city elementary school in the United States with school-wide positive behavior support.
Bakker, H: Training psychologists for the educational system in The Netherlands.
Bartolo, P: Teacher education in responding to student diversity.
Bibou-Nakou, I: Needs assessment and awareness raising programme for bullying in schools: young people’s views in relation to evaluation issues and best school practices.
Bilen, S: Needs assessment and awareness raising program for bullying in schools.
Blondin, D: Classroom as community – Meeting the belongingness need of pupils in the first school years.
Cameron, S: Meeting the psychological needs of children and young people who have been rejected, abused and neglected.
Canakay, E., & Bilen, S: The effects of active learning on prospective music teachers’ attitudes toward music theory course.
Christenson, S: Check & Connect: A Model to Promote Engagement at School and with Learning.
Christenson, S: Disengagement with children’s learning and schooling – Strategies for fostering partnerships. (KEYNOTE)
Coelho, V., & Gomes, A: “Positive Attitude” – The impact of two social and emotional learning programs on social skills.
Coelho, V: Project “Atitude Positiva” – An analysis of the first two years.
Crighton, G., Beekman,L., & Fritz, E: Learner’s personal experience of a peer-counseling training program.
Dewey, J: Activating children’s thinking skills (ACTS) – Developing thinking communities in primary schools.
Dryll, E.M: Development of abilities of metaphor comprehension.
EUROPEAN COMMITTEE CRISIS INTERVENTION TRAINING (Bernhard Meissner, Bavaria, Germany; Olanda Momcilovic, Holland; Jean-Luc Pilet, France; Helen Bakker, Initial liaison ISPA-NEPES).
Farrell, P: The professional practice of school psychology – an international perspective. Some issues that emerge from the chapters in the International Handbook of School Psychology (Jimerson, S., Oakland, T., & Farrell, P., Eds, 2006).
Farrell, P: Using action research to bring about systemic change in secondary schools.
Farrell, P., Davies, S., Swann, S., & Squires, G: International perspectives on the professional practice of school psychologists – Developing our skills in using action research to bring about systems change.
Faulkner, M., & McDonald S: Trauma, transition and healing – Refugees in Australia.
Glaveanu, V: Violent children in school settings – a cognitive perspective. Features and solutions.
Haapasalo, J: Trauma model and school-age children – Does childhood maltreatment cause psychiatric disorders in later life?
Hallantie, M: School Psychology – a part of student welfare services in Helsinki.
Haro, M., and Manbeck, M: The challenges of incorporating school psychologists into the schools in Paraná , Brazil.
Harrison, P: The future of school psychology and intelligence testing.
Harvey, V.S., & Chickie-Wolfe, L: Fostering independent learning.
Helland, S: Psychological services for children in Norwegian municipalities.
Hoff, S: Working with self-injurious youth in schools.
Hongfei, Y: A primary study on going into the world and leaving the world in goal striving.
Huggins, D: School System Strategy Planning – An evidence based approach to enhance the role of School Psychology.
Hylander, I: Consultation as a tool for school psychologists – how to help pupils through working with teachers. (KEYNOTE)
Hynninen, M: School psychologists in Tampere – work with pupil welfare teams and cooperation with wide variety of authorities.
Juvonen, J: School ethnic diversity and student well-being – Lessons from California. (KEYNOTE)
Kant-Schaps, M: History and background of NEPES.
Katona, N: Developments in the training of school psychologists around the world – Hungary.
Katona, N: Student styles and motivation styles in Hungary.
Kelly, C: Using an attributional framework to understand resilience in children in public care.
Kivisaari, K: How teens at the 8th class of school recognize physical, mental, economical and sexual violence.
Koizumi, R., & Tanaka, N: Individual differences in the effects of social and emotional learning program.
Krause, C: Me and my family – Family from the perspective of children of divorced parents.
Küçükkaragöz, H: Human nature, self-image and locus of control of prospective school counsellor and teachers.
Laaksonen, P: ROM-EQUAL Project – support models for training Roma adults to special needs assistants.
Lappalainen, M., & Syvälahti, A: The supporting net for students in Turku Vocational Institute and experiences of the coping with depression course for adolescents.
Little, S., & Akin-Little, A: Single case methodology.
Martin, R: Developing a Strategies for Success Program.
Meissner, B: Crisis intervention in schools – Training seminars for school psychologists.
Meissner, B: The Work of a School Psychologist: Between Science and Intuition.
Meissner, B: Crisis Management in Schools – a New Working Area for School Psychologists. (Poster)
Morse, J: Adjustment issues facing children with a visual impairment, their parents, and involved service providers.
Natale, K: Parents’ causal attributions, subject specificity, and children’s school performance.
NEPES: Join Forces: establishing a Network of European Psychologists in the Educational System.
Orosova, O., Salonna, F., Gajdosova, B., & Sarkova, M: Availability of drug prevention activities in Slovak elementary schools and young adolescents’ willingness to participate in drug abuse prevention programme.
Pajor, G: What are teachers of the future concerned with?
Pfhol, B: School Psychology Training: Western Kentucky University.
Phasha, N: Educational resilience among African [blacks] survivors of child sexual abuse – a lesson from South Africa.
Nastasi, B., Hatzichristou, C., & Varjas, K: Promoting psychological well-being globally – Proposed study.
Psalti, A: Bullying in Greek schools – Does age matter?
Rowling, L: A comprehensive approach to loss and grief in school communities.
Sahin, A: School and adolescent.
Sayeed, Z: Mediated play experience.
Sjo, P: Some group psychodynamic aspects in interaction relationships at school.
Stafford, M: Checklist for Selecting Tests and Other Assessment Methods.
Stafford, M: Ethical standards for selecting tests to assess educational abilities and needs. (WORD)
Stafford, M: Ethical standards for selecting tests to assess educational abilities and needs. (pdf)
Syri, J., Laine, M., Helin, M., & Sjö, P: Is a systemic view possible on school psychological work?
Tafti, M.A: The assessment of the effectiveness of a head-start program in language proficiency.
Välijärvi, J: PISA and the cultural context of education in Finland.
Varjola, T: Crisis work at schools.
Whelley, P: Mental health in schools – Screening adolescents.