Financial aid for attending ISPA Conferences


Thanks to the foresight of friends and relatives of Calvin D. Catterall, founder of the International School Psychology Association, a memorial fund was established to provide a vehicle by which these commitments might come to fruition. The fund today is supported almost entirely by donations given by our members. As a result, only a limited amount of funds are generally available for distribution to colleagues who demonstrate need.

The purpose of this material is to provide information about financial aid available through the International School Psychology Association. The procedures set forth on the following pages are designed to assist colleagues in understanding the financial aid opportunities that are available through ISPA, as well as the selection process that is utilized. The financial aid program has had far reaching effects on an international level. Additionally, it has, over the years, helped to provide many of our colleagues with a rewarding experience that has enriched them both personally and professionally.

The International School Psychology Association is committed to:

  1. Promoting the use of sound psychological principles within the context of education all over the world;
  2. Promoting communication between professionals who are committed to the improvement of the mental health of children in the world’s schools;
  3. Encouraging the use of School Psychologists in countries where they are not currently being used;
  4. Promoting the psychological rights of all children throughout the world;
  5. Initiating and promoting cooperation with other organizations working for purposes similar to those of ISPA in order to help children.


The Cal Catterall Fund was created to provide financial aid for attendance at ISPA Conferences. Because of the limited amount of monies available, the primary responsibility of the Financial Aid Committee is to provide conference fees to as many applicants as possible. Occasionally, it has been possible to provide some funds toward travel expenses, but applicants are strongly encouraged to seek travel assistance from other sources.

I. Application procedure:

  • All application materials must be submitted in English.
  • Submission of CCF travel award application due on April 9, 2025 at 11:59 PM (CYPRUS TIME)
  • Review of applications April 10-18, 2025
  • Announcement of CCF recipients on April 22, 2025
  • Applicants need not be a member of ISPA to apply for financial aid
  • Each applicant will need to be nominated by an ISPA member, an Affiliate, or another recognized professional association
  • Applications will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Chairperson who will send a notification of receipt to each applicant.
  • Selection Committee convenes to review applications.
  • Distribution of all funds will be made by the Executive Secretary.

The Cal Catterall application form can be downloaded here.

The following is important information which should be read before completing the application material.

II. The Selection Committee:

  • A. Consists of an impartial panel of at least three (3) ISPA members appointed by the Chairperson and who meet in early April to review applications;
  • B. Conducts a ‘blind’ review of all applications received by the April 15th deadline date. That is, all names are removed from the applications so that decisions are made on the basis of merit and need;
  • C. Will immediately notify by mail those individuals to whom financial aid is awarded.

III. Criteria used in the selection process:

  • A. Degree of need and/or merit re: School Psychology;
  • B. Anticipated use of financial aid;
  • C. In order to encourage representation at the Conference from a variety of countries, attempts will be made to:
    (a) limit financial aid to no more than one person from each country selected;
    (b) award funds to applicants from countries with little previous or no previous representation at ISPA colloquia.
  • D. Preference will be given to those applicants who have demonstrated a commitment to school psychology locally or internationally
  • E. Agreement with the goals and objectives of the International School Psychology Association.
  • F. Each applicant will need to be nominated by an ISPA member, an Affiliate, or another recognized professional association. It is the applicant’s responsibility to secure such nomination.

IV. Financial Aid recipients are required to:

  • A. Attend the Conference for which they are applying for financial aid;
  • B. Write a short paragraph about themselves for the World-Go-Round and include an explanation of how the financial aid assisted them.**
  • C. Help perpetuate and improve school psychology in their country, and send evidence of this to the ISPA central office.
  • D. Complete a short questionnaire about their experience to assist in the further development and implementation of the fund

** Section IV B, should be given to the Executive Secretary of ISPA at the time of the Conference or mailed to him at the address below as soon as possible following the Conference:

ISPA Central Office
P.O.Box 24420, 1704 Nicosia, Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 591 900, Fax: +357 22 591 700