The Tulane University Child Rights Team (TURCT) was formed as part of an inter-organizational partnership, initiated by ISPA’s Task Force on Professional Development and Practices and the Child Rights Section of Child Well Being and Advocacy Committee, for the purpose of developing professional development curricula for school psychologists. Other partners in the efforts have included the Child Rights Education for Professionals Project (CRED-PRO) of the International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD), British Columbia; and the School Psychology Division (Division 16) of the American Psychological Association (APA). The TUCRT is devoted to the development of materials for school psychologists related to promotion and protection of child rights at the local level. The team, with organizational partners, has developed the following for use in graduate training and continuing professional development for school psychologists: curriculum for use by trainers and online self-study modules for use by individuals. The team is in the process of completing a manual for trainers to accompany the curriculum. The curriculum and self-study modules address children’s rights and needs within an ecological framework consistent with the UN Convention, and examine the roles and responsibilities of the school psychologist or other mental health professional as individual practitioners, system change agents, advocates, and evaluators. Learning objectives include: (a) gaining an understanding of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; (b) engaging in self-assessment of beliefs and practices related to child rights advocacy; (c) identifying strategies for promoting children’s rights within the context of mental health practice in schools at individual, organizational, and policy levels; and (d) making a personal commitment to promoting and protecting the rights of children.
Overview Child Rights Education for School Psychologists2015-01-22T17:08:28+01:00