Monday 19th May 2014
BPS Offices Tabernacle St London
10.30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Cost: £20.00 (includes lunch – pay on the day)
To book email Keith Venables:
Registration from 9.30 a.m.
1. Presentations from Mel Ainscow and Tara Flood (Salamanca Statement and lessons learned from it)
2. Workshops: what have Educational Psychologists and others been trying to do since Salamanca? How far have we come?
12.30 p.m. lunch
1. Presentations from Florian Kiuppis and Marianne Kant-Schaps (Inclusion all over the world)
2. Workshops: Connection with current situation (Children and Families, Code of Practice etc.)? What can we do now? What do we need?
3. Panel Q and A: panellists will include Philippa Stobbs (Council for Disabled Children), Michele mason, DfE and others.