We are delighted to announce that Daniel S. Newman, Ph.D. has been appointed as the Editor-Elect for the Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation (JEPC). He will begin his term as Editor in January 2021. The JEPC Advisory Board, current Editor, and Publisher (Taylor and Francis) selected Dr. Newman from a highly competitive applicant pool based on his exceptional contributions to consultation to-date, editorial experience, broad knowledge of the existing literature, and vision for JEPC. We are excited that Dr. Newman will continue JEPC’s 30-year commitment to interdisciplinary thought and research focused on consultation and collaboration featuring a variety of perspectives, methodologies, techniques, and constituencies. We are pleased that Dr. Newman is committed to continuing JEPC’s support for emerging scholars. Please see Dr. Newman’s brief biography below.
Daniel S. Newman, PhD, NCSP, is an Associate Professor in the School Psychology Program and Department of Human Services at the University of Cincinnati, having received his doctorate in school psychology at the University of Maryland, College Park. His research, teaching, and service focus on school consultation practice and training, professional supervision, and professional issues in school psychology. Dr. Newman has authored 25 articles in peer-reviewed journals, seven book chapters, and three books on these topics, as well as presented nationally and internationally. In addition to serving as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation since 2015, Dr. Newman currently serves on the editorial boards of School Psychology and School Psychology International (as a Qualitative Methodological Advisor), and is editor of Routledge’s Consultation, Supervision, and Professional Learning in School Psychology book series. Dr. Newman is co-chair of the NASP Consultee-Centered Consultation Special Interest Group, and the Innovations in Practica and Internships subgroup of the NASP Graduate Educators’ Committee, and was recently elected as an Executive Board Member of the Trainers of School Psychologists.
For more information on the Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, please click here.
Congratulations to Danny!