Call to students living outside the US who are interested in
the field of international psychology and plan to attend the
August 4-7, 2016 APA Convention in Denver, Colorado!

In 2015, APA Division 52, International Psychology and Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, collaborated through the D52 Building Bridges Committee to offer the inaugural Division 52/Psi Chi International Conference Travel Grant. In 2016 the travel grant will continue to provide assistance with travel costs to Psi Chi students who live outside the US,are interested in international psychology, and plan to attend and present at the APA convention in Denver, Colorado August 4-7 , 2016.


  1. Must be a current undergraduate psychology major or a student in a graduate psychology program outside the US or a recent graduate (defined as having completed an undergraduate psychology degree between November 1, 2015 and May 1, 2016.
  2. At the time of submission, must be currently – and at least through August 2016 – living, working, and/or studying outside the US.
  3. Must be a member of Psi Chi at the time of submission.
  4. Must be a member of D52 at the time of submission (students may join at any time).
  5. Must be able to cover any travel expenses beyond the $1,500 provided by the grant.
  6. Must agree to attend and talk for 5-10 minutes about personal interests in international psychology at the D52 Awards Ceremony/ Hospitality Suite Program at the 2016 APA convention.
  7. Must attend at least one other D52 session.
  8. May not win more than one D52 travel grant.
  9. May not win more than one Psi Chi travel grant that can be used to attend APA.
  10. Must provide proof of acceptance to present research at the 2016 APA convention in Denver, CO.
  11. Acceptance of research for presentation in any format (poster, talk) and within any division or affiliated group (such as Psi Chi) program at the 2016 APA Convention.

To Apply, Students Need to Submit:

  1. Description of Interest (maximum 275 words, double-spaced):
  2. A description of
  3. your interest in international psychology,
  4. how your participation at the APA Convention will strengthen your professional interest in the field of international psychology,
  5. meaningful experiences in psychology courses,
  6. volunteer experience,
  7. Psi Chi involvement,
  8. Division 52 involvement, if any
  1. Eligibility Information:
  2. A document or email text providing:
  3. Full name
  4. Contact information (email & phone)
  5. Name of university/college
  6. Name of the undergraduate/graduate department program
  7. Year in the program
  8. Expected graduation date
  9. Member status with D52
  10. Psi Chi member ID
  11. Full name and title of endorsing faculty mentor
  12. Endorsing faculty mentor email address

III. Faculty Mentors submit directly to Drs. McCormick and Zlokovich:

A brief (200 words maximum) document or email that includes:

  1. A statement endorsing you for the travel grant,
  2. Confirmation that your interest and academic efforts in international psychology will be enhanced by attending the APA convention, and
  3. Assurance of your good standing as a student in the undergraduate/graduate psychology program.

Deadline: Before midnight (Eastern Standard Time) March 30, 2016.

Email all application materials to the Building Bridges Committee Chair:

Mercedes A. McCormick, Ph.D.
Chair of APA Div. 52 Committee on Building Bridges With Psi Chi
2013 President of APA Div. 52
Pace University, New York 10038

Application and Review Process:
Applications will be reviewed by the committee according to completeness of submission and strength of the description of interest in international psychology.

Winner Notification and Obligations:
The grant winner will be notified no later than May 30, 2016 and will be recognized in person at the Division 52 Awards ceremony in Denver, Colorado on August 6th. The winner will present a 5-10 minute talk at the D52 Awards Ceremony on August 6, 2016 on the benefits of being awarded the travel grant. In addition, the grant winner will be featured in an issue of the International Psychology Bulletin.

D52 and Psi Chi will present the winner with a check at the D52 Awards Ceremony after the winner has met all obligations. Obligations are attending the APA convention, attending at least one D52 presentation, presenting research included as part of the travel grant application, and speaking at the D52 Awards Ceremony. Any winner who does not attend the APA convention or D52 Awards Ceremony will not receive the grant funding.